


Vaginal Hysterectomy

Vaginal Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterus through vagina. During this procedure, the surgeon will detach the uterus from the tubes, ovaries and supporting tissue. Depending upon the diagnosis and severity of the symptoms, your surgeon may suggest a hysterectomy with salphingo-oophorectomy which refers to removal of uterus along with one or both the tubes and ovaries.

Vaginal Prolapse Repair

Vaginal prolapse is a condition in which organs from pelvic floor slips down in vagina because of loose, weak or damaged muscles and or ligaments. Prolapse repair surgery helps to repair or rectify the affected muscles and the organs. More than one organ can be "slipped out", giving a bulky sensation in the vagina to the patient.

Vaginal Lax Perineum Repair

Vaginal Lax Perineum refers to surgical repair/suturing of perineum (space between vagina and the anus). It helps to narrow your vaginal opening and repair loose, scarred or damaged skin around your vagina caused due to child birth, weight loss, trauma etc.

Vaginal Bartholin Cyst Removal

Bartholin's glands are present on each side of vaginal opening. Any blockage or infection to the opening of these glands can cause a painful cyst to form. Your gynecologist can start with oral medicine treatment if it is an early cyst. A painful, swollen and pus-filled cyst has to be drained out surgically.

The procedure is done under general anesthesia, a small nick or cut is given to the infected site through which the cyst is drained. You will be advised with pain killers, antibiotics and a follow up visit post procedure.

Vaginal Urethral Meshplasty

This procedure is suggested to patient with SUI (Stress Urinary Inconvenience). SUI can be explained as involuntary loss of urine i.e. having no control or desensitization of urethral muscles to control urine. SUI can be due to either anatomic hypermobility of the urethra that produces faulty urethral closure under stress or due to intrinsic sphincter weakness. In case of the former reason, Meshplasty can be advised, were an appropriate size mesh is placed in miduretral level to prevent the displacement of urethra. This procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia.

Patient is discharged in 3 days depending on recovery. Follow up post 5 days of procedure and once every week is advised to keep a check on reoccurrence of the symtoms.

Vaginal Cauterization For Cervical Erosion

Cervix is an internal part of female reproductive anatomy, it is the lower most end of the uterus and upper most part of the vagina. Vaginal canal passes through cervix. Any infection or changes in hormones can cause cervical erosion.

Cervical erosion is one of the most commonly occurring conditions. It may cause discharge, back pain, inter-menstrual bleeding and pain during or after intercourse (dyspaurenia). It can be treated:

Medicines: if the infection or erosion is very small, your doctor may prescribe you oral drugs. If the patient is not responding to the treatment, then it is advised that we do perform cervical cauterization.

Cauterization: It is a procedure were low or high temperatures are applied on the affected are to destroy the unhealthy cells/ tissue. In both procedures, the patient is under anesthesia. Post procedure, the patient may get crampy pain, blood +watery discharge. Post procedure medication course has to be completed properly.

Abdominal Myomectomy

A Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids without removing the uterus. Uterine fibroids can give symptoms like heavy periods, pelvic pain, irregular bleeding.

In abdominal myomectomy or open myomectomy, the surgeon is able to remove the fibroids from a horizontal incision given in your lower belly. The procedure is done under anesthesia. Most patients are able to discharge post 3 days of procedure. Post procedure medication course has to be completed properly.

Abdominal Burch Repair For SUI

Burch repair is performed to treat stress urinary inconsistence (SUI). This procedure will suspend and stabilize the urethra (tube carrying the urine outside the body from the bladder). The urethra is stabilized by permanent sutures, which will connect the urethra to a strong ligament. In abdominal repair, an incision similar to that of caesarean section (on the lower part of abdomen) is given which provides access to the organs to be operated.

Nowadays, as compared to abdominal (open), laparoscopic repair is much more preferable as the recovery is quick, scarring on the skin is less as it has minimal invasions. Depending upon the overall health and recovery of the patient, she may get discharged post 2 or 3 days of procedure.

Abdominal Hysterectomy

Abdominal Hysterectomy (open hysterectomy) is a surgical procedure to remove uterus through an incision given in your lower abdomen. During this procedure, the surgeon will detach the uterus from the tubes, ovaries and supporting tissue. Depending upon the diagnosis and severity of the symptoms, your surgeon may suggest a hysterectomy with salphingo-oophorectomy which refers to removal of uterus along with one or both the tubes and ovaries.

Abdominal Dermoid Cyst Repair

Dermoid cyst is accumulation of normally occurring cells in a pouch or sac of tissue which grows in unexpected location like ovaries. These dermoid cysts can have accumulation of fluid, hair, bones, teeth etc. Dermoid cysts are harmless but can cause pain or sometimes torsion (twisting) of ovaries.

In abdominal repair, an incision in your lower abdomen is given through which the surgeon will be able to cut out the cyst.

Abdominal Tubal Recanalization

Tubal recanalization is the procedure which involves reconnecting the tubes which are tied during family-planning operation.

This results in open connection between the tubes and the uterus thus allowing the sperm to reach the egg and fertilize it.

Abdominal Sling Operation

Abdominal sling operations are performed when patient suffers from prolapse of pelvic organs. Prolapse means “falling out of place”. This can cause discomfort, pain, bleeding etc. Depending upon the need of the case, your OB-GYN will decide which method to follow to relieve the discomfort caused to the patient.

Purandare Cervicopexy
Shirodkar Sling Operation