

Laparoscopy SURGERY

Laparoscopy for Infertility

Laparoscopy is minimal invasive procedure which allows your doctor to visualize internal organs. In case of laparoscopy for infertility, the reproductive organs of the patient are evaluated including uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

laparoscopy for infertility in vasai is offered as a minimally invasive procedure to diagnose and treat conditions affecting fertility.


After tubal ligation, which is a permanent form of contraception, some women can opt for reversal of the procedure. This can allow the woman to plan for a natural pregnancy.

Laparoscopic tubal ligation is a minimal invasive procedure, small incisions are given through which the laparoscope is inserted to view the fallopian tubes. The already tied tubes are untied and then reconnected.

In Vasai, laparoscopic tubal recanalization is available for women seeking to restore fertility after tubal ligation.

Laparoscopic Cyst Removal

Cyst Removal: A laparoscope is passed through the small incisions made in your abdomen. The surgeon removes the discomfort causing cysts through the incisions made. Laparoscopy allows minimal invasion, faster recovery and faster healing for the patient.

Tubo-ovarian Cyst: Removal of cyst growing in/on fallopian tubes and or ovaries by laparoscopy. Laparoscopy allows minimal invasion, faster recovery and faster healing for the patient.

Dermoid Cyst: Dermoid cyst is accumulation of normally occurring cells in a pouch or sac of tissue which grows in unexpected location like ovaries. These dermoid cysts can have accumulation of fluid, hair, bones, teeth etc. Dermoid cysts are harmless but can cause pain or sometimes torsion (twisting) of ovaries.

Endometrioma: Endometriomas or chocolate-cysts are fluid filled cavities deep seated in one or both the ovaries. It can cause pelvic pain, decrease in ovarian functions and may contribute in infertility. These endometriomas can be drained laparoscopically but chances of reoccurrence pertain.

laparoscopic cyst removal in vasai is performed to treat ovarian cysts with minimal invasiveness and quicker recovery times.

Laparoscopic Adenomyomectomy

Adenomyosis is a benign gynecologic tumor which shows unwanted thickening of uterine lining into the deeper walls of uterus. Adenomyomectomy is effective and conservative technique for the patients who wish to preserve her uterus. It helps in removing unwanted and abnormal tissues. This procedure can be done laparoscopically as it allows minimal invasion, faster recovery and faster healing for the patient.

Hospitals offer laparoscopic adenomymectomy in vasai to remove adenomyomas with minimal invasiveness and faster recovery times.

Laparoscopic Myomectomy

A Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids without removing the uterus. This procedure can be done laparoscopically as it allows minimal invasion, faster recovery and faster healing for the patient.

laparoscopic myomectomy in vasai is available for women seeking a minimally invasive procedure to remove uterine fibroids.

Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis for Fertility Enhancing Treatment

Adhesiolysis is a surgical procedure performed to remove adhesions which are scar tissues caused due to previous surgeries. Adhesions or scar tissues are a result of inflammation. It often involves removal of scar tissues blocking the fallopian tubes. Adhesions can be symptomless, but few symptoms involve menstrual disturbances and problem in conceiving. Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis can be performed as it allows minimal invasion, faster recovery and faster healing for the patient.

Laparoscopic adhesiolysis in vasai is performed as a fertility-enhancing treatment to remove adhesions and improve reproductive outcomes.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterus. During this procedure, the surgeon will detach the uterus from the tubes, ovaries and supporting tissue. Depending upon the diagnosis and severity of the symptoms, your surgeon may suggest a hysterectomy with salphingo-oophorectomy which refers to removal of uterus along with one or both the tubes and ovaries.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy can be performed as it allows minimal invasion, faster recovery and faster healing for the patient.

In Vasai, laparoscopic hysterectomy is offered as a minimally invasive option for women needing to have their uterus removed.

Laparoscopic Cervicopexy Operation

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is a condition in which organs from pelvic floor slips down in vagina because of loose, weak or damaged muscles and or ligaments. Prolapse repair surgery helps to repair or rectify the affected muscles and the organs. The procedure provides support to the prolapsed organs with the help of mesh, sling or stiches.

Laparoscopic approach can be performed as it allows minimal invasion, faster recovery and faster healing for the patient.

Hospitals provide laparoscopic cervicopexy operations in vasai to address cervical prolapse with minimal invasiveness.